Adapter B-6L
Rasp blade in L-shape, galvanized with carbide coating (TC), for removal of mineral grout materials

Adapter B-7g
Rasp blade in straight shape, galvanized with carbide coating (TC), for removal of mineral grout materials

Adapter Set-3 includes:
B-6L L-shape, B-7g straight form, metal blades galvanized, carbide coated (TC), ready-to-use in a practical storage box.
Adapter Set-3 is a special accessory only fitting for the professional GROUTING KNIFE TWIN-TOOL PowerCut PRO
Adapter B-6L is factory-fitted with a L-shaped rasp blade and on adapter B-7g a rasp blade is mounted in a straight shape, both metal blades are galvanized. In the cutting or rasping area of these special blades, a tungsten carbide coating (TC) is applied. Hereby, it is also possible to remove punctiform and very gentle grout fillers on mineral base such as mortar or cement joints, even in hard-to-reach places.
BEFORE BEGINNING with actual CUTTING WORKS, the same rule applies here as well, you should test in advance at a suitable location FIRST. If the surface is really sufficiently stable and insensitive, you’re ready to proceed.